Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's Almost Over

This week has been so crazy! We had snow on Monday and Tuesday which messed up my schedule. The Man was out of school on Tuesday which made me want to stay home too. But duty calls so I worked. I'm just ready for the weekend.

The best part of the week was that Poppa and Step-Mommie finally made it in. Now that we've got our "neighbors" back it feels normal again. I hadn't realized just how much I missed them til they pulled in the drive way.

Don't have any major plans for the weekend. Just gonna hang around The Farm and get some things done. Hopefully I can spend most of it in the studio! I've got tons of things to do.

Not much else going on. Waiting for the weather to warm up and the yard to dry out. The girls are getting cabin fever bad. They haven't been able to get out and run in the pasture because of all the water. I feel so bad for them. We've been trying to keep them occupied with toys but you can tell that they just want to get out and run. Hopefully that will happen soon.

Watching DIY Network and now I have the urge to remodel my kitchen. I wonder what stock cabinets cost?? Don't want anything special, just better than what we've got, which is terrible and starting to fall apart. Need new countertops too. If only I had a couple grand lying around. Might have to start playing the Lotto. I want it to look something like this. A girl can dream! I think its do-able.

Its almost Friday. Hope you have a good weekend. If I do/make anything interesting, I'll let you know.

Ya'll have a good one!

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