We started her on a bottle this week too. I will be returning to work in a couple of weeks and I wanted to make sure that she would take a bottle without any problems. She did great!!! There have been no issues and no nipple confusion either. She can have a bottle at one feeding and the breast at the next with no issues. I had heard horror stories of babies refusing to take a bottle. I have to admit that I was scared. While I enjoy nursing her, I really need a break at times. I was looking forward to not having to nurse her every 2 hours. Thank the Lord she did well. Now Daddy can feed her! To celebrate, Mother and I went out shopping yesterday, with out Gabbie, for several hours and I didn't have to worry at all. It was wonderful!!!
We have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us. Next weekend Poppa and Step-Mommie will be visiting. I'm looking forward to seeing them. Its weird how we went from seeing each other all the time, when they lived in our driveway, to not seeing each other at all. Some weekends I still find myself listening for the screen door, waiting for Poppa to come in and get his morning coffee.
The weekend after that we are taking Gabbie on her first trip to North Carolina. The Man will be on spring break and its the most opportune time for us to make the trek to meet the rest of the family. It will prove interesting to say the least. I already have a list together of all the STUFF we will need to bring!! Needless to say, there's alot!! OMG!!! I'm really looking forward to it though. I haven't been back in a year. I miss my sorority sisters and I can't wait to spend some time with them. My mother-in-law is also having a baby shower for us so we will be coming home with 3 times the stuff. Hopefully there will be plenty of diapers!!!
The weekend after that is my grandfather's birthday and my aunt and uncle from Chicago are coming down. I miss them so much and I can't wait to introduce them to Gabriella. I think my other aunt and uncle will be down for Easter, which is a BIG holiday in our family. Gabbie already has her Easter dress, a gift from a family friend. I can't wait to get some "professional" pictures of her. I might have Poppa take some next weekend while he's here. He's always taken great pictures!
Well, Gabbie and The Man are hungry so I better get on breakfast. Until next time... Ya'll take care!
Awwwww. she's growing like a weed! I can't wait ot see her on friday!!!!! I needs me my sugah baby fix...