Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Alive....Barely

I haven't posted in a while...sorry about that. As you can imagine life has been busy. I'm wrapping up my maternity leave and not too happy about it. While I've been gone we got a new boss at work and from what I've heard he's a douse. My previous boss has warned me that we will not get along. So not only do I have to return to work but I have to return to a new and not so great boss. Lucky me! In hind sight it has pushed me even harder to get my application and resume out there. I need to find a new job, hoping it will be teaching. I just can't afford to work at the current place of employment much longer, not with Gabriella here. I've been praying and praying that a school system likes me enough to hire me, keep your fingers crossed.

By the way, the above picture is Gabbie at 2 months. She was 2 months yesterday, by week, and by date will be Friday.

Spring has sprung here at the farm. Everything is in bloom and pretty, although I had to use last years pictures for the new header because its been so rainy I haven't been able to take new one's. Oh well, a tree bloom is a tree bloom, right?! We are busy getting the yard and flower beds cleaned out and ready for new plantings. The Man has some plans for a couple new beds this year and we are making a BIG bed for Gabbie, called Gabbie's Garden. Cute, I know!!! Basically it will be a very large patch of wildflowers for now. When she gets older she can pick out what she wants to plant.

We are also getting the garden ready. Yep, its that time again. We want to "perfect" it this year. I'm hoping that we do. I'm also hoping that we have the time and energy to work now that we have a little one in tow. I know we will but at what price. Thank the Lord that my mother has the summer off and will be here to help out. I didn't get a quarter of my usual canning and freezing last year because I was in my first trimester. Now that I'm not pregnant, I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and start growing things to "put up".

Well, I just put Gabbie down for a nap so I better use my time wisely and get some work done around this house. Who knows when I'll have time to dust the baseboards again. Until next time, ya'll have a great one!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring is Here?!

We are having an amazing weekend here in Middle Tennessee. The weather has been WONDERFUL!!! Yesterday the high was 70 and it was nice and sunny. I couldn't help but get out to take some well needed pictures. Our trees are starting to bloom as well so it was picture perfect. Here are just a couple.

I'm praying that the weather stays like this but my better sense knows better. Its like this every year; it gets nice then BAM it gets cold again! I just hope that its not too cold because our fruit trees are blooming as well and I want peaches this year!!!

Poppa and Step-Mommie came a day late but they came. We were afraid they wouldn't make it but they did!! I'm so thankful too cause I was looking forward to the visit... I miss them! Plus I know they wanted to see Gabbie :) Don't know yet what we are going to do today but either way it will be fun. I've got a couple sewing projects that I'm hoping to work on.

I'm also going to start getting ready for the week ahead. The Man is on Spring Break, Thank the Lord, and we are traveling to North Carolina at the end of the week. Its going to be tough but we really don't have much of a choice; there's rarely a time when the both of us are off work at the same time. I'm going to start getting everything ready for my return to work as well.

Well, I need to get up and get going. There are things to clean, cook, and sew. Until next time....Ya'll make it a good one!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

One Month Old

Guess who's a month old?? I can't believe it either. Time flies!!! This was taken on the 1st. She's changed so much. Her monthly check up went well. She now weighs 7lbs 14oz, a whole 2 lbs heavier that when she was born. She's also grown 3 inches, she's now 22 inches long. The doc is very happy with her progress and commends me on my very healthy supply of milk. It's definitely not skim!!!

We started her on a bottle this week too. I will be returning to work in a couple of weeks and I wanted to make sure that she would take a bottle without any problems. She did great!!! There have been no issues and no nipple confusion either. She can have a bottle at one feeding and the breast at the next with no issues. I had heard horror stories of babies refusing to take a bottle. I have to admit that I was scared. While I enjoy nursing her, I really need a break at times. I was looking forward to not having to nurse her every 2 hours. Thank the Lord she did well. Now Daddy can feed her! To celebrate, Mother and I went out shopping yesterday, with out Gabbie, for several hours and I didn't have to worry at all. It was wonderful!!!

We have a busy couple of weeks ahead of us. Next weekend Poppa and Step-Mommie will be visiting. I'm looking forward to seeing them. Its weird how we went from seeing each other all the time, when they lived in our driveway, to not seeing each other at all. Some weekends I still find myself listening for the screen door, waiting for Poppa to come in and get his morning coffee.

The weekend after that we are taking Gabbie on her first trip to North Carolina. The Man will be on spring break and its the most opportune time for us to make the trek to meet the rest of the family. It will prove interesting to say the least. I already have a list together of all the STUFF we will need to bring!! Needless to say, there's alot!! OMG!!! I'm really looking forward to it though. I haven't been back in a year. I miss my sorority sisters and I can't wait to spend some time with them. My mother-in-law is also having a baby shower for us so we will be coming home with 3 times the stuff. Hopefully there will be plenty of diapers!!!

The weekend after that is my grandfather's birthday and my aunt and uncle from Chicago are coming down. I miss them so much and I can't wait to introduce them to Gabriella. I think my other aunt and uncle will be down for Easter, which is a BIG holiday in our family. Gabbie already has her Easter dress, a gift from a family friend. I can't wait to get some "professional" pictures of her. I might have Poppa take some next weekend while he's here. He's always taken great pictures!

Well, Gabbie and The Man are hungry so I better get on breakfast. Until next time... Ya'll take care!