Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chilly Willy!!!!

WOW!!! Last night the low was 27!!! BUUUUURRRRR!!!! Thank the Lord for our fireplace. The Man woke up bright and early to re-stoke it. Now I've got my cup o' coffee and Fox News. Typical Saturday for our house. I'm debating on what to do today. We need to head to the grocery to stock up on staples before Thanksgiving plus I'm out of peanut butter and coffee about a nightmare!! Other than that there isn't much else that needs to be done. We've kept the house clean all week and there's only as small bit of laundry. So hopefully I'll get into the studio and get some work done there.

Last night we were at my Grandparent's celebrating Mother's birthday. It was great spending time with everyone. It was chilly out but we had a big fire and good food. In my family...this is all that matters!! We are all gearing up for Thanksgiving. Our family tradition is shifting this year; we usually all head up to Northern Illinois for the holiday but my Grandparent's are not able to make that trip anymore, so we are moving our Thanksgiving fest to The Farm. This means that I'll be hosting some 20-30 people...Lord Give Me Strength!!! It won't be too bad because Mabel will be here with me. Now its just getting everything decided on and planning it all. I'm starting to shop now to avoid a big financial crunch when it actually gets here. I'll have a house full so I have to stock up on everything. It will be some work but good work. I'm really looking forward to it!! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!! As it gets closer I'll be posting some pictures of Thanksgivings past to give you all an idea of what it was like up North.

Other than that, life is normal. Baby Gabriella is kicking away! I don't think she likes the computer on my stomach!! Well I better stop here and get some breakfast, unusually hungry this morning. Maybe I can talk The Man into taking me to Cracker Barrel....hey a girl can dream!!! Until next time, Ya'll take care!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all are toasty warm! I'll be down on Friday with the Movers for a delivery...

    No creamer or peanut butter?
