Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finally a Spare Moment

I haven't had a moment to think let alone make a post. It has been one thing after the other. I don't even know where to start. Ok...well we had a great time in North Carolina. We went to the beach and spent TONS of time with family which was great. I spent quality time with my sister and mother in law and had a great time with them. Here are some shots of the trip.

We were on our way back when I received a call from mother saying that my step-father's mother had passed. So we drove straight over and spent the next several days with family again. Mabel came straight home as well. She took several days off so that we could help Mother and Step-daddy clean out her apartment and get things like that in order. While we were together for a terrible reason, it was good to spend some time with Mabel. I miss her terribly. She also got to spend some quality time with Gabbie.

Mabel left yesterday and my work started. We pulled all the corn and I put all that up. I started shelling peas and made 10 pints of pickle relish today. There are still more cucumbers to be pickled and I know that there are jalapenos that need to be picked and pickled as well. I'm gonna try my best to get them all done tomorrow. Here's a picture of the cows that I promised. They are too cute! Not as cute as Gabbie helping me shell the peas!

I got some good news today. I've been called for yet another interview, which I know is a good thing. I just feel like I'm jumping threw hoops but I guess thats the point right. So I'm getting all dressed up and headed to Nashville tomorrow morning. I pray that they give me the job. It would make things much better and hopefully The Man will hear something soon as well. Our old boss called today and told him that the heads at our old company don't want to risk hiring him back. This was a blow to the both of us but I figured it would happen. I understand where they are coming from. So we are still searching for him but I have faith that something will come up.

We are headed to Ohio this weekend to visit Poppa and Step-Mommie. We have been meaning to visit but life has gotten in the way. Now that things may be changing in the employment department I think we should head up while we still have the freedom to. I'm really looking forward to seeing them.

Well I think I have gotten caught up now. Its getting late and I need to head to bed. Wish me luck!!! I will let you know how it goes!! Until next time!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

On The Road

We are currently on our way to North Carolina. Gabbie is pitching a fit, poor thing. I hope she knocks out soon. Enclosed spaces and a child screaming at the top of her lungs are not a conducive blogging environment. Oh, I think she may be out.....she's definitely fighting it. We got a late start this morning. I thought The Man was going to set an alarm and he thought I was.... talk about a lack of communication. Gabbie woke me up around 4:30 am, half an hour after we were supposed to be on the road. So we didn't hit the interstate til 6am. Oh well. Gabbie slept through Atlanta which was a surprise to me. Now hopefully she will sleep the rest of the way. Yea, right, I know. Hey a girl can dream. I'm excited to get there. My sister in law is due in October and I can't wait to see her. I will have someone to talk "baby" with ;) I wish the two of us were closer... I need to work on that. Either way, I'm ready to see her and her husband. He is amazing! We were friends before they were married and she couldn't have picked a better man. I get a smile on my face just thinking about him. He can always make me laugh. These days I need a bit more laughter in my life. I think that in and of itself is worth the 8 hour drive.

It sounds like we will be heading to the beach!! So excited for Gabbie to see the ocean for the first time. It will definitely be a memorial trip. Also looking forward to my mother in laws good cooking. While I know that I am a great cook (yes I will toot my own horn on that one), she is so much better. I know The Man is looking forward to it as well.

In Farm News we now have 9 heifers on our property, those are female cows that haven't had babies for those not down with the farm lingo. One of them is ours though we haven't picked her out yet. The farmers that hay our fields are giving us one for letting them use our back pasture. Awesome deal! So I guess its offical, we are farmers! I took pictures and will post them when I can get to my computer. They are too cute. 7 are nine months old and 2 are six months old. Now alls I need is a chicken coop and some good laying hens! Good God when did I get so damn country? Now that's a funny thing, I will have to blog about how I got where I am one day, although I will have to contemplate it a bit more because even now I'm not 100% sure. All I know is that our dreams of being farmers and living off our land are starting to take root. I just wish we could make a living on it but once again, that's another blog post.

Well my fingers are starting to hurt for typing this post on my phone. I will be back soon. Until next time!

PS I almost forgot to tell you that my interview went really well. If I don't hear back from them I will be surprised. Thanks so much for all the support and prayers. Keep them coming. Oh and Lisa if you are reading this, I am going to find a way to get you some jelly, even if I have to over night it!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The Man heard from our old boss at the lab this morning. He's been talking to the President and Vice of our former place of employment about getting The Man back into the lab. He's talking with HR to get The Man into the next round of interviews. Boss man said he's not promising anything because the heads don't like to re-hire, which I can't blame them, but since The Man was an OUTSTANDING employee they may let him back in. SO.... our plans to travel to NC our put on hold until we hear from HR, which will hopefully be soon. Ironically, if hired, The Man will be working my old job in the mercury lab!!! HAHAHAHAHA! He's not to happy about that because he'll actually have to work instead of sitting in front of instrumentation all night long. Yes, I said night. The second ironic thing is that it is our old shift, Tuesday - Saturday second shift. At this point beggars can't be choosers but The Man did ask when the earliest transfer to his old job would be, even though it would be the same days and shift, he's really not to keen on being in the Hg Lab.

I still haven't heard anything concerning myself. I plan on calling a different lab that I applied to at the end of the week, again. From what I've heard they are hiring for a bunch of positions but I guess they aren't in dire need. I'll let them know again that I'm available for interviews. Honestly I really don't know exactly where I've applied, I guess I should have payed more attention. Oh well, you live and learn.

So now our plans are halted. I'm probably going to make some more jelly then and I've started working on our master bedroom which, according to my WONDERFUL husband "looks like a prison cell". Talk about a motivator. Luckily we have TONS of pictures and general "stuff" that I can use to do a FREE makeover in the room. I just wish I had some turquoise paint but then again that would mean creating an even bigger mess and I don't know if that would be smart considering our plans at the moment. I'll also be sewing those purses which I pray I have done by the time we head east but who knows.

I guess I'll stop here and start getting some things done. Until next time!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


It was great seeing Mabel. I just wish that I could have had a couple more days with her. I can't wait for the day that I can see her whenever I want, if that day ever comes. Gabbie enjoyed having her Auntie here. It never fails to amaze me how much I miss her. We haven't spent a significant amount of time (more than 2 weeks) together since my senior year of high school. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but its just the opposite. It gets harder and harder every time she leaves.

Here are the photos of some of the things I've been working on. The Man talked to his family last night and it sounds like we will be making a trip to North Carolina this week. That means that I have to finish a couple more things before we go. I've promised my sister in law and cousin some purses and I need to get those done.

We didn't do much today; cleaned up the house a bit. I've been battling a migraine all day so I didn't do as much as I hoped to. I pray that it passes or it'll be a long night. I know its short but I'm beat. I think I'll go take some tylenol and go to sleep. Until next time!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Quick Post

Well I was up early again today. That's 2 days in a row. I have been knocking out some sewing projects though. I've been wanting to get a light sleep sack for Gabbie. Some mornings she's kind of chilly so I wanted something light to put her in. In light of our situation I decided to make her one out of an old button down shirt. It turned out so cute! I spent the majority of the day on it and was looking forward to the great sense of accomplishment that comes over me when I actually finish a project. So I went to try it on her and guess what..... it was too damn short. But instead of getting mad I decided that I'm going to make it look as cute as possible and give it to my sister in law who is expecting a little girl in October. Yesterday morning, while nursing Gabbie, I remembered a bunch of burp cloths I was working on at the beginning of my pregnancy. So instead of going back to sleep, I stayed up and finished those for her too. Needless to say, when all is said and done, she will have a whole bag full of stuff.

Mabel came home yesterday. Its been great spending time with her. I so wish she lived closer... like next door. We've been spending family time all weekend and I'm so very thankful for my amazing family. Everyone has been helping us out so much. We really are blessed.

Well I'm gonna try to sleep. I will post some pictures tomorrow of Mabel and Gabbie along with my sewing projects. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Let The Games Begin

I've noticed, as an adult, that when I'm stressed I always end up in the kitchen. Yesterday morning I was up early making blueberry jelly. This was my first canning session of the season and I'm ready for the garden to start producing. Hopefully it won't be too much longer!! There is something so very relaxing about canning for me. I enjoy making food and I take pride in the fact that I won't have to go to Walmart for jelly in the next year. Considering our current financial situation, its a really good way to save us some money. I plan on making the very best of our situation and canning as much as I am able. We still have alot left over from last year so I'm trying to find ways to use/reuse last years bounty. So if anyone has any good recipes please pass them along.

I'm up early again this morning, just couldn't go back to sleep after nursing Gabbie. Is it possible to pray too much?? I found myself waking up in the middle of the night to roll over and I heard myself praying. I like to think that God always wants to hear our prayers but if I were in that position I would be like "OK Gladys, I get it. I heard you the first hundred times! I'm taking care of it!" Luckily God is a bit more patient than I am.

I wish I had a couple hundred dollars to blow. I'm so in DIY mode. I feel like painting and sprucing up the house. Before the bottom dropped out The Man and I were looking into a patio and painting the living room and I'm still in that mode. One day we will be able to work on the house again. Maybe I should buy that lotto ticket ;)

Don't have any plans for today. I hope to get the house cleaned and work on a couple sewing projects that need to get finished. If I do anything worth showing off I'll let you take a peek. Until next time.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

When It Rains.....

Well if I thought life couldn't get worse I was sorely mistaken. The Man has been trying and trying and trying to pass his praxis test for chemistry. In my opinion, its completely ridiculous but alas its a must in order to get a license. He wasn't able to pass it in time for the new school year to start. So now, we are both in the unemployment line. Needless to say, I'm beyond terrified and I'm not even going to try and describe the state my husband is in.

We are keeping faith and praying, praying, praying, although I hope not too excessively. I honestly don't know what we're gonna do. I keep telling myself not to worry, to keep my head up, keep on truckin' etc. Then I stop and feel the hot hand of fear wrap around my throat. I know I'm probably entitled to a nervous break down right now but that's just not possible. Plus it would leave The Man open to one and while he also deserves one as well, I can bounce back from mine alot quicker than he can.

I know that God never gives us more than we can handle, but I'm getting really really close to my breaking point. I don't know how we are going to pay the bills, I don't know how I'm going to properly care for my daughter with no health insurance, hell, I don't know how I'm going to care for my husband and myself. I'm so very thankful for my Poppa and Step-Mommie. They took us grocery shopping over the weekend, so that's a bit off my mind. Maybe I should pick up a lotto ticket.

Mother took Gabbie over night so we have had a bit of down time, time to cry, time to panic, and time to come up with a game plan. We don't have any options, we have to find jobs asap. Well, I'm going to finish watching a movie and go to sleep. Until next time.