It was 2 years ago that The Man and I closed on our house. I really can't believe its been that long, but it has. I've been sitting here, drinking my coffee, and thinking about all the changes we have made to the house thus far. Mind you they have been small changes but never-the-less, still changes.
We removed the hideous mauve fruit wallpaper from the kitchen, painted it my fav color, and fixed the pink counter tops.
Then we painted the horrendous 70s brick fireplace! Unfortunately I didn't get any before pictures but you can only imagine. We painted it and removed the faux built-in book cases that were on either side.
To celebrate our first anniversary in the house, we planted 4 fruit trees, 2 peach and 2 apple.
We won't be changing anything to commemorate the 2nd year just yet but I'm sure before the summer is over there will be another change to The Farm. It may be the addition of a four-legged food source!! I'm hoping!!!
In other news, I'm finishing up my overhaul of the house before life falls down around my ankles on Monday. I'm dreading going back to work. I pray that I have the strength and energy to keep everything together. I know everything will eventually fall into a rhythm but I'm such a "planner" that I want everything to go as smoothly as possible. Pray for me!!!
Well, it's about time for The Man to wake up so I'll stop here. Until next time, ya'll have a good one!!